Monday, October 24, 2005

It seems some clever person has told victoria police that they should treat domestic violence aginst muslim women different, they are supposed to see a muslim leader so they can keep families together so whats that about a muslim can beat his wife and the police have to get a leader in case they upset him ,another couple of things they are given in the handbook include
aboriginal's are not to be interveiwed or given court dates during aboriginal ceremonies involving initiational ,birth,death,burials,mourning periods,womens meetings and culture ceremonies in general
baha'i suspects only after sunset in the fasting month
and are cautioned that when a sikh is reading the sikh holy script which takes 50 hours should nt be disturbed
there are many other ones as well like not taking aborignals photo as they could be used for sorcery or mischeif.
so does that mean that me being irish they should nt disturb me if im having a drinking binge and also i can swear as in northern ireland its the second language


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