Thursday, September 22, 2005

what a responabilty child rearing is.
the day started off well did nt do to much as the other kids would be home at 12 p.m. Half day thursday in catholic schools .I was playing with saoirse with a ball then i let her play by herself she wandered into the kitchen i was in lounge room just catching some t.v i went in and she was dipping her ball in the mop bucket and drinking the water she had only done it once when i got there but i did nt know what to do so i rang my sister in scotland she was nt home.I thought she would be alright then the mind started what if you know how it goes always think the worse so i tried one of emma's friends not home .I rang posion control and explained they said she would be ok the worse would have been her being sick as the stuff in the water was diluted phew kids eh.I tell you they know how to get you worried but its still the greatest job i have ever had just have to make the house child proof.


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