Monday, September 19, 2005

There was more rioting over the weekend in northern Ireland. But it does nt make the headlines or some bloggers pages as it did involve the loyalists,it was the nationalists turn but there was no reason for these riots. I know there is never a reason for a riot but the loyalists are getting frustrated, and the uvf/uda see this and exploit it and gain futher control over the housing estates.what is needed as I have stated before is for someone to stand up and take the lead not for loyalists but for the decent people protestants and Catholics and say we have endured 30 plus years now its our turn to live.not having to worry about walking into wrong neighborhood and saying wrong thing and end up getting a beating.and is religion really to blame for northern Ireland troubles no its about nationalism most who want it are catholic and some protestants, and those who don't are protestants and some Catholics. They reason I was against it when I was younger was because the free state(rep of Ireland )was to connected to the roman catholic church no divorce or abortion well you can get divorced there now so that one my reasons gone and IM sure abortion s not so bad that the Dutch ship still come s . I think it all changed when the 13 year old girl was raped and the goverment of the day refused her a abortion or even the right to go to england.could I enjoy a united Ireland I cant tell you because if they respect my heritage IM all for it but many want to destroy it like stopping the marchs,we have embraced St paddies day up north when I was younger it was just a catholic holiday but now IM told we all get it. They have been celebrating the Easter uprising for many years.
every war seems to be about religion and everyone claims gods on there side .


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